Welcome to the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses
Welcome to the Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses with our two churches of St John the Evangelist Abbeydale and Holy Trinity Millhouses. We are a loving, supportive community dedicated to following the life of Christ.
Our Parish includes two outward looking churches, Holy Trinity Millhouses and St John the Evangelist Abbeydale within the Diocese of Sheffield. For information on how to find us, please Click Here.
Our principal service each Sunday is the 10 am. The first two Sundays of the month are All Age services, the first Sunday is at Holy Trinity and the second at St John's. The following Sundays are more adult oriented services with a Sunday School for School aged children, 3rd Sunday at Holy Trinity and 4th Sunday at St John's.
We also have a Communion service at 10.00 am each Wednesday at Holy Trinity and at 10.00 on the first Wednesday of each month at St John’s. Click here for details of these and all our other services and any amendments to the normal routine.
In December 2018 we became part of the Community of the Cross of Nails, which is an international community aiming to promote peace and reconciliation. Please see About Us to find out more about this community.
The Parish of Abbeydale and Millhouses is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Safeguarding officer is Katie Harwood, who can be contacted on 07799607213, and our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be read in full here.
Holy Trinity Church is open Monday to Saturday 10.00 am - 4.00 pm and St John's Church is normally open Monday to Thursday 10.00 am - 4.30 pm, for quiet contemplation or just to see inside our magnificent buildings.

We are always pleased to welcome enquiries about Baptism - both of infants and of older children and adults. We try whenever possible to hold baptisms in the course of our normal 10.00 am Sunday worship, when the newly baptised member can be welcomed by the congregation.
We are fortunate at Holy Trinity in having a church which, although it is relatively modern (1937), has a simple, dignified interior, a splendid organ and an attractive setting. In contrast, St John's has a Victorian building, blending the simple, Anglican walls with the ornate stained glass windows and central nave.
Funeral enquiries should be made in the first instance, whether in person or through your funeral director, to the Vicar.